Wednesday, May 25, 2011

song of the day: 5/25/11

Abrasive, shamelessly bluesy guitar work might be what the Kills are best known for, and if there's any song that most exemplifies that sound, it's "Tape Song." "Tape Song," (off of 2008's "Midnight Boom,") is a sonic tsunami that breathlessly rattles through two full verses of screechy, tin-can guitar riffing before folding into a beautifully thick chorus, where lead singer Alison Mosshart's powerful vocals truly have their chance to shine - as singers like Adele and Florence Welch come into the mainstream, it's sometimes easy to forget that there were soulful, bold female vox kicking around pop music for years before "Rolling in the Deep." Mosshart's recordings undeniably do their part to prove that there were.


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